What Clients Say About Vivian

My signature service is to identify your current challenge and reframe your thoughts and behaviors.

So you can rebuild your life and relationships, and practice self-love and self-compassion.

My sessions with Vivian were awesome. I highly recommend her if you have some issues that you want to work on. She was patient, compassionate, and really listed to me. I did an in-person Access Bars session with her, and afterwards I felt so relaxed! A few days later, something that I had been trying to resolve in my life for a very long time became suddenly clear to me. We also did an energy healing session, and she helped me work through some other emotional and spiritual challenges. I plan to keep working with Vivian, she has many gifts and I am so glad to have met her.
Lori K.
She helped me through a tough time and helped me work on other issues. 5 stars, I would definitely recommend her.
Working with Vivian was a pleasant experience. She is very caring and patient. She paid attention to what I was there for and what I was telling her. I have tried many different modalities in the past, Hypnotherapy included, and they were all helpful in different ways. So when I was referred by a friend about what Vivian does, I decided to give it a try. The time it took was similar to Hypnotherapy, but it was all done in conversations using muscle testing (because our body doesn't lie, and it remembered more than our brain). She helped me to see what was blocking me, why that happened, and the lessons I learned from my problems. Although I was crying during the session, I was surprisingly calm when the session was over. It's been a few days after my session, now I felt I am more clear and more aware of what I need to do in the future if I want to get different results. If you have traumas from the past or negative beliefs about yourself, I highly recommend Vivian. Let her help you to see what can be changed and your life will be very different when you walk out the door.
Sabrina H.
I had a session with Vivian today and the shift I feel is incredible. She incorporates many modes of interventions and healing. Getting to the root cause of the trauma that creates repeat patterns that no longer serve. I’ve been smiling all day. I feel lighter, happier and more self confident. Thank you so much Vivian!! 🙏♥️
Heather H.
Vivian is such a great therapist that she explains the steps she’s going to take, and the purpose of each step very clearly -- the explanation helps me to relax and get into the mode. She listens to me patiently, and her compassion touches me very much.
Jh H.
在2020/12月我與另一半開始感情生變之後,遇到重大的挫折, 沒辦法好好的生活。 自從2021/2月透過朋友的介紹認識了Vivian,開始接觸了催眠, 我歷經了3次的療程,從每次的療程後逐漸的感受到自己的變化, 體會到我從以往的感情創傷中封閉了自己, 無法敞開心胸去面對後續遇到的情感。 並且也了解到在我開始有了另一半之後, 一直誤以為配合著對方是種疼愛,反而失去了自我。 在療程過後我已經勇敢的擁抱著這些傷痛, 去找尋並積極實行會讓我自己快樂的事物。 我也找回了曾經的自己, 曾經的我是個勇於嘗試接觸新的事物,喜歡挑戰自己。 我開始對自己設立了一些目標, 如健身、打造屬於自己的窩、閱讀喜歡的書籍、 不侷限自己的生活圈找尋懂得珍惜自己與自己興趣相同的另一半...等, 希望讓自己更好。 在Vivian這段時間的協助,讓我感覺非常的溫暖,也非常的信任, 讓我可以知道自己內心真實感受, 開始能清楚的思考我想要過的生活長的如何, 一步一步的去建構,我非常的感謝Vivian。 若有看到我這篇文章正面臨著無法好好過生活的朋友們, 快樂是自己去實行會讓自己快樂的事物,而非別人給予的, 以上是我的經驗分享,希望對你們有幫助。
James P.
第一次以催眠的方式進行,我先生因為長久以來過於投入於他的工作,每天花14個小時以上工作,我無法認同他的生活只有工作,甚至我們二人因為工作失去過孩子。透過催眠,Vivian導引下我的信念轉化了及明白並接受我先生在工作上的辛勞,甚至我知道不是只有我一個人難過失去我們的孩子。透過催眠,完全解決了我內心的糾結,現在的我可以認同及體諒我先生的辛勞工作。 這二次我極納悶我不能自我控制處理我內心的另一個糾結~ Vivian以「生命中心療法」,發現我面臨雙重障礙,找出我明知道卻無法做到的深層信念問題,起於原生家庭的創傷,進而產生我的焦慮及挫折。透過生命中心療法找到問題根源,「介入療法」療癒我的傷痛、解除內心障礙及平衡能量。我心存感恩Vivian,也更認同她願意把身心靈的美好帶給所需要的人,我會繼續支持Vivian,她以她自身所學帶來良善,而我則以分享,帶給他人一個希望,療癒創傷也可以是很簡單。
Rita H.
人生中第一次做催眠治療,和我對催眠的印象完全不同!但這次的經驗讓我整個大解放尤其是在第一次見面的人面前,將心中那個傷害不止放下而且治癒,不再害怕失去愛而窒礙難行,反而因為愛能夠順利通過考驗,愛能使我有智慧有能力去面對、引導、及處理,我看到的不再是單方面的面向!Vivian 真的是個很棒的治療師,能夠遇見她真的好幸福
Vivia W.
我非常有幸,Vivian 给我做了一个非常完整,系统和完美的疗愈。虽然是第一次做hypnotherapy,但Vivian给我的解释和说明让我能顺着这个体系自然而畅通地进行,在每一个问题的时候,她都会详细和耐心的解释。每一个环节的肌肉测试让整个过程有据可循,令人信服。我所做的就是全然地相信Vivian,跟着她的引导去完成每一个步骤。衷心感谢Vivian,在我最需要的时候带给我这个疗愈,籍着这个疗愈,我找到自己灵修上的卡点,发现了潜意识层面深层的业力和家族能量的影响。 借助小时候和前世的回溯,定位潜意识里留下的能量印记和创伤。并在Vivian的完美带领下从能量层面跨越时间空间进行疗愈和修复。我相信自己开始接着Vivian的疗愈慢慢走向自我疗愈的道路。真是让人喜悦和满足!谢谢Vivian!
Abingshifu G.