Mindset Ideas

3 Keys to Lasting Change

Are you like the old me who got so fired up at the beginning of the year with my New Years resolutions, and then after few days or few weeks, got frustrated because you failed to complete them?

If so, these three keys are a must-have: Mindset, Motivation, Method.

You can apply these 3Ms to any situation where you’re trying to change, grow, learn or challenge yourself.

Let’s break these down: 

  1. Mindset: this is the WHAT you’re trying to do and your thoughts and beliefs surrounding whether this is possible or not. Mindset is made up of beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes we hold about ourselves and the world around us. Remember –  “whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re usually right ~ Henry Ford “
  2. Motivation: this is WHY – motivation is the reason behind what you’re trying to do (or Not do) and what you’re hoping to gain.
  3. ​Method: this is the HOW – your methods, strategy and techniques to actually get you from point A to point B.

For example, you might be motivated to lose weight, but after a lifetime of unhealthy habits and no clue of how to actually do this, you’re unlikely to be successful. Or you might know exactly what to do, but not have the mindset or motivation to do it.

These 3 keys are the building blocks upon which we can build long lasting change. Take one away; everything crumbles.

If you’re facing a difficult challenge right now, ask yourself: Do I have the 1) mindset, 2) motivation and 3) effective method in place to actually achieve this? If not, then you can start working on whichever M is missing.

I can help with Methods and assist with changing your Mindset, but you must know your Motivation.

Miracles only happens

when you’re open, willing, able and ready!

Vivian Pene

The Limitless Model ~ from Jim Kwik’s book “Limitless”

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