I’m grateful to have my dream job, something I’m passionate about and that gives my life meaning. Every day, I wake up excited for my new adventure by meeting new people and letting life unfold. I never know what surprises will be there for me, even if it’s a painful experience.
This job allows me to help myself, improve my relationships with family and friends, makes me grow and be happy. The best part is I can use what I learn and know to help others.
How does it get any better than this?
Becoming a therapist wasn’t my plan, but now I can say “ I help people heal, grow and be themselves!” I’ve helped my clients heal from trauma by identifying their limiting beliefs. I also support them to change those beliefs and old behaviors that no longer serve them. So they can see what is holding them back from living the life they want, and to make confident choices by knowing what’s most important to them.
I wasn’t always like this!
The Story of Vivian
The truth was I wasn’t happy even when I had those things in my life.
In 2012 I lost my dad; the one I admired and loved, and had a love-hate relationship with. Losing him made me think “Do I want to live like this for the rest of my life ? Is it even possible to be happy ?”
It seemed simple, but it felt impossible. I wanted to be happy, but why is it so damn hard? Am I ungrateful? I had so many good things in my life; WHY did I still feel so lost and unhappy? Is there something wrong with me?
How did I Become Who I am Today?
I read books, questioned my beliefs, learned different modalities, took classes, saw therapists. Day after day, week after week, I kept at it.
The key to becoming who I am today was to keep challenging my thoughts and beliefs, and to keep making new choices. If I don’t like my current status, I make another new choice instead of waiting for external circumstances to change. And I’m still doing it…..
I had to let go of the OLD me so that the NEW me could emerge. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it because I now have the power to create my life and make it the way I want it to be.
Do you want to live by Default or by Design? The choice is Yours!
The Insights I Learned
I realized that all the disasters, traumas and dramas in my life prepared me to build my inner strength, to love myself and have compassion for myself.
It turns out that the part of me that was missing was the REAL, authentic ME. The intimate relationship with myself. Not the ME people expect me to do or be, or the ME I created and wanted people to believe – independent, strong, unbreakable and needing no one.
My healing journey has nourished and empowered me to relate to my clients’ feelings, struggles and challenges. Now I have compassion for others and the tools to help them heal. We can only give others what we have. I can’t give you love if I don’t love myself. I have become much stronger in this area and I’m still learning to love myself more and more …….
My life still has challenges and ups and downs like everyone else’s, but I’m not afraid to face them. I have the courage to overcome my fear with the support of my loving family, friends and the Universe.
I know what it’s like to be in the dark and feel hopeless and helpless.
My Questions for You Are …..
Do you want to Be You ?
Everything can change and everything is possible. Will you choose it?
The World Needs that Very Special Gift that Only You Have.
And It’s All Starts With You ~ Being You ~
Vivian Pene