Im Committed to Helping You

Relax & Connect Mind, Body and Spirit

1. What is the session like? What does it feel like to be hypnotized?

The session combines various methods to achieve the BEST result. During the process, you can expect the following:

  • You are in control
  • Not asleep, but relaxed
  • Go as far as you want to go
  • Connect with your subconscious mind
  • Allows you to safely to gain insights
  • Increase awareness and receptiveness
  • Stay focused on the problem you want to solve

2. What if I feel shamed or feel uncomfortable about my feelings?

There’s nothing wrong with feeling this way. No one wants to feel vulnerable in front of others. I’ve been there, so I get it! I’m compassionate and accepting of the clients I work with. My clients tell me that they feel safe and understood when they’re with me.

Behind the fear and vulnerability is our power, strength and resilience. The only way out is through it, NOT around it. This isn’t just my experience. It’s my clients’ experience, too.

It’s a safe place for you to fall without judgement. The truth is we judge ourselves the most!

3. Change always feels uncomfortable. Can I avoid feeling uncomfortable?

Change always feels uncomfortable in the beginng. It’s like building muscle; at first you feel soreness and pain. After a while, you build up the muscle and feel good. That’s the natural process everyone goes through as they change, grow and heal.

So let’s celebrate! If change makes you uncomfortable, then you’re on the right track.

4. How many sessions will I need?

Everyone is different and everyone’s experience is unique. Some clients see dramatic results after 3~5 sessions; others may take longer.

In most of cases it depends on IF you’re willing, able, open and ready to make the change and do the practice(s) I recommend. Let’s go back to the muscle building example. How often would you like to spend time building your (inner) muscle? 30 min/day, 5 days/week? Or 1 hour/day, 7 days/week? It’s up to you.

Please be patient and be at peace with yourself. Old behaviors and beliefs aren’t formed in a day. It takes time to reprogram or unwire them. You control the pace.

5. What is the role of the therapist?

I’ll guide you to bypass your logical, analyticsl and thinking mind, so you can find out what you really want. I’ll help you see your blind spots, release your blockages and heal your wounds.

Secrets are hidden within the body. Through body sensations we have the key to explore the subconscious.

5. What is my role as a client?

You MUST be willing to open your heart and face the issues in your life. The willingness to try, experience and understand the subconscious is the key to lasting change.

You’re aware of what you say and how you feel during the process. Relax and trust your intuition and feelings as you follow my guidance. If you have feelings or thoughts, share them without second-guessing yourself.

Don’t try to restrict or limit how you feel or think. Allow your feelings to flow and let your heart guide you, then you can connect with your subconscious.

In doing so, I can help you go through the difficulties and traumas you have had in the past. This will be your special experience so that you can recreate or rebuild your life.

Healing and magic only happens when you’re open and ready for it!

6. Do you take insurance?

Generally, insurance doesn’t cover mental health care. After Covid, FSA or HSA may cover these services. Most of my clients get reimbursed or pay with their FSA or HSA credit card.

I can provide the documentation for you to submit a claim IF you DON’T have an FSA/HSA account.

Can I Pay for Mental Health Care Using my FSA or HSA?